
This Lenten season, the First Baptist Church of Christ will take the time to listen to the entire New Testament (days and passages are listed on the right column). Through our partnership with the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, every member of the church will be offered a free MP3 recording of the New Testament. By listening to this recording for less than half an hour each day, one can hear the entire New Testament in forty days.

At this blog, you’ll be able to read some of our members’ thoughts about what they are hearing. Our contributors reflect the great diversity of our congregation. They are male and female, older and younger, some with a seminary background and some without. As you read their questions, reflections, and observations, I invite you to join the conversation by posting a comment.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

April 3: Revelation 16–22

By Eric Spears

John’s symbolic language makes the interpretation and application of Revelation difficult to apply in daily Christian life. For this reason many Christians find their practical inspiration in other books (e.g., Proverbs, Psalms, James, etc.). Placing Revelation in proper context, however, provides meaningful insight and spiritual relevance for our everyday faith.

These chapters are a response to the early Christians facing opposition by the Roman imperial cult, a form of state religion in which the emperor was given exclusive allegiance. Historical analyses have shown that even the Christian Ephesians were influenced by this imperial rhetoric, which diluted their faithful practice.

This perspective on Revelation 16–22 enables us to make connections between the first Christians threatened by the imperial cult and the challenges present-day Christians face. We in the First World live in a “developed” society that embraces technological innovation, puts financial profit over social justice, and devalues faith as something antiquated. Twenty-first century globalism is arguably our version of the imperial cult, and the never-ending distractions found in our jobs, social life, and entertainment challenge our allegiance to the Holy Trinity (please refer to Doug Thompson’s insightful discussion on March 10th that focused on “Practicing the Sabbath”).

We need to reflect on the many different ways this contemporary version of the “imperial cult” challenges our faith and integrity. More important, we need to pray as individuals and a community for daily strength and focus.

Friday, April 2, 2010

April 2: Revelation 8–15

Sareta Shelburne

The book of Revelation confounds non-Christians as well as Christians. Even theologians and Bible scholars cannot agree on interpretation. So how am I, a simple Bible student, to discern the mysteries of God depicted in the pictorial language of the visions John experienced? I read and listened to the reading of chapters 8-15 several times and concluded that I should consult one wiser than I to shed light on the meanings. Thus, I read portions of Eugene Boring’s commentary on Revelation.

Boring theorizes that Revelation “does not teach a doctrine, but holds vivid pictures before us, pictures which point beyond themselves to ultimate reality.” He continues by saying that “it is glad to abandon any claim to describe this reality in an objectifying manner, for the reality to which it points transcends anything that can be objectively described by finite minds and language.” The pictorial language in chapter 8 through 15 is indeed rich in imagery as the final troubles intensify leading up to the finality of planet Earth.

Rather than despair, I took heart in the passages proclaiming truth about God’s nature, his ultimate defeat of evil, and his preservation of his church. Like the early Christians, I was encouraged by the reassurance given throughout Revelation. I was encouraged by the glimpse of heaven and the songs sung by heavenly beings in praise and adoration of our Father and by the proclamations given by God’s angels (chs. 11, 14, 15). I was encouraged by the two witnesses who were killed because of their testimony, yet vindicated by God who raised them and took them up to heaven. I was encouraged knowing that Christ “holds the keys to Death and Hades and will finally cast them—not their victims—into the lake of fire” (Boring, 118). Christ is triumphant!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

April 1: Revelation 1–7

By Lanta Cooper

As we listen to Revelation, we can easily find ourselves suspicious of what the text actually means. If we over-analyze and dig too deep into the meaning of the text, however, we may run the risk of missing the elements that make Revelation unique. Interpreting this apocalyptic literature requires a sense of creativity and imagination that allows us to look beyond the words of the text and into the heart of its author. What do you see in the author's heart of discipleship? How can this illuminate our personal spirit of discipleship?