
This Lenten season, the First Baptist Church of Christ will take the time to listen to the entire New Testament (days and passages are listed on the right column). Through our partnership with the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, every member of the church will be offered a free MP3 recording of the New Testament. By listening to this recording for less than half an hour each day, one can hear the entire New Testament in forty days.

At this blog, you’ll be able to read some of our members’ thoughts about what they are hearing. Our contributors reflect the great diversity of our congregation. They are male and female, older and younger, some with a seminary background and some without. As you read their questions, reflections, and observations, I invite you to join the conversation by posting a comment.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

March 23: Galatians 5–Philippians 1

By Carolyn Jones

Attending a poetry conference in California, I fell to discussing the Greek language with a gentleman in the hall. This was not a spiritual gathering, but the man went straight to Ephesians 2:10:  We are [God’s] workmanship. I knew the word poieo meant “to make” or “to do”; so what is made or done becomes a poiema: a poem.

That insight was the high point in the conference for me, and has remained a truth I could come back to ever since. Paul was telling non-Jews who worshipped a pantheon of gods, that there is one God, who made all people and all creation; and the whole of God’s making, as well as all the elements, is God’s Poem.

Even in the midst of global destruction,  pain, confusion, and darkness, this can be trusted: God is the One universal Creator, and his creation is good. And my personal life can be empowered and secure, knowing I am God’s poem!

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